Revolax Deep 10x1ml hyaluronic filler
Revolax Deep is a thick and long-lasting gel, used to correct deep wrinkles or face volumetry. Revolax Deep is a biodegradable, non-animal, crystal clear cross-linked filler with high viscoelasticity. Revolax are medical products with CE medical certification. The products of this brand use high-purity hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, which is a 100% natural substance, optimally synchronizing with human skin tissues. The fillers are completely cleared of the BDDE cross-linking agent, which ensures a high level of safety for the patient.
- Filling medium and deep wrinkles around the mouth and nasolabial furrows
- Modeling of the cheekbones and chin
- Filling the mouth
HA concentration
- 24 mg / ml
- 10 x 1ml
- 8-12 months
Product for professional use only.
By deciding to purchase, you declare that you are a doctor or cosmetologist trained in aesthetic medicine.